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Fast Cash Loans
Having difficulty researching information regarding a cash advance, fast cash loan, bad credit loan, no credit check same day cash loan. However in this instance you’re visiting the correct website! At Cashfast – car pawn shop and loan agency we may have the solution for you.
Moneylender Service
This money lending agency provides a same day drive-in private and business short-term finance service.
No Credit Check Loans
Have Bad Credit
Whether you’re private or business borrower requiring emergence money and have prior bad credit? Look no further! You can obtain your no credit check finance here by pawning your asset and using it as loan collateral.
Quick Cash Loans
Be assured as a lending shop our same day finance is not difficult to obtain! Simply borrow money against your car collateral or similar asset and use as security by pawning your vehicle or other asset.
Short-Term Business Loans
Borrow short-term business finance and obtain money today, with No Credit Check or Tax Return or Accountant Contact required. Simply pawn your business Car, Ute, or Truck.
Your Asset Has Finance Owing?
Never a Problem! Should you owe money on your asset? Cash Fast can provide an alternative loan which repays your existing finance.
No Monthly Repayment Plan
We endeavour to ensure your same day cash finance is affordable by offering no monthly repayments and one full and final payment at contract expiry.
Loan Agency – How it Works
- Bring your asset
- Receive money & leave asset
- Repay contract & retrieve asset
Further Information
Easy Application - Apply Online
Complete Form & Submit - Wait for Reply
Frequently Asked Questions
At Cashfast you have the opportunity to obtain funds by borrowing against your car, motorcycle, boat, jet ski or truck.
Obtaining a loan using your asset or vehicle as collateral is a simple process. Simply call or visit our office to allow one of professionals to guide you through the necessary steps, ensuring a smooth and efficient loan experience.
Yes! We provide loans against all vehicle types, Whether you own a vintage beauty, sports car or prestigious automobile, we’ll offer a fair evaluation and provide the financial assistance you require.
We proudly serve all areas of NSW and importantly whether you reside in Sydney CBD or the New South Wales greater west, our premier vehicle pawn shop and loan agency is located in the centre of Sydney at 10 North Rocks Rd, North Parramatta. From this central location, you have easy access.